Our aims
Why Uruguay?
Why Cannabis?
Why Cannbio Agro S.A.S.?
How can I take part in the company?
Development of Production
User Experience
What happens when the campaign is over?
Platform Technology
Benefits of being part of Cryptocampo
We aim to change the paradigm to enable those who wish to be part of
one of the main economic activities in the world.
Through Cryptocampo platform, users of cryptocurrencies will participate
in markets backed up by real and concrete assets related with
agricultural activities.
We connect users with agribusinesses in a simple, fast and transparent
way through blockchain technology.
We have made digitalization of agricultural campaigns and user participation
possible through tokens. Any asset in the world whether physical,
tangible or intangible is digitalized and then fragmented into smaller
parts which take the shape of tokens.
Each of these tokens is listed in a Blockchain public and inalterable digital
register while its digital transmission is safe and immediate thanks to
the technology used.
- Tokenization of assets is a process that offers multiple advantages especially
in a world that is highly interconnected making safety more and more
necessary. - It increases efficiency in auditing procedures in the transactions, purchase
and sale of assets through the tools that blockchain technology
offers. These tools speed time-consuming processes. - Transparency is ensured. High level of security and privacy are guaranteed
because all possible operations are carried out publicly.
Why uruguay?
Stability is the word that best defines this country. Uruguay stands out in Latin America for being one of the most egalitarian societies with high per capita
income and low levels of inequalities and poverty. In relative terms, its middle class is the largest in Latin America representing more than 60% of its population.
It has strong institutional performance in all areas, little corruption and a political approach based on consensus and a strong commitment to institutional agreements. This gives the country a solid basis on which to grow and establish one of the most important and stable economies in the region.
When figures are analyzed the reason becomes clearer. As was informed by the Central Bank of Uruguay, its economic activity increased by 4.4% in 2021 compared with 2020. The agricultural sector is one of those which contributed most with this growth at an incredible 5%.
In 2021, Uruguay registered an increase of 14.4% exports driven mainly by the Cannabis sector. In the fourth quarter of 2021, Uruguay reported a 5.9% increase in its year-over-year (YOY) GDP. It is estimated that by 2022, the economic activity will grow at least 4.5% compared with the year before.
Likewise, Uruguay is a country whose main exports are agricultural thus, farming and cattle industry are imprinted in the DNA of its population. It also receives numerous government benefit programs to improve farming production and commercialization making this sector a fundamental ally for its economy
The international market for Cannabis is growing at full speed.
More and more countries have legalized the use of this complex plant both for medicinal and even recreational purposes. Thus, its international trade has been favoured. In the USA, which represents one of the biggest global markets, 35 states have allowed medicinal use of Cannabis while 16 of those states have legalized recreational use.
For this reason, it is estimated that this year the Cannabis industry will commercialize approximately U$S 41,000 million and it is expected that in 2024 the figures will rise to U$S 94,000 million, a rise of more than 100% in only two years.

The international market for Cannabis is growing at full speed. More and more countries have legalized the use of this complex plant both
for medicinal and even recreational purposes. Thus, its international trade has been favoured. In the USA, which represents one of the biggest global markets. 35 states have allowed medicinal use of Cannabis while 16 of those states have legalized recreational use.
For this reason, it is estimated that this year the Cannabis industry will commercialize approximately U$S 41,000 million and it is expected that in 2024 the figures will rise to U$S 94,000 million, a rise of more than 100% in only two years.

Uruguay was the first country in the world to regulate production of Cannabis both for recreational and medicinal uses through a law passed in December 2013 (Ley 19172).
Its export flow started in 2019 and in 2020 approximately 10 tons of Cannabis flowers were exported. Besides, the country exported an amazing amount of 7 tons of hemp flowers by the middle of 2021 positioning
Uruguay as one of the leading countries at a global level.
why cannabis?
why cannbio agro s.a.s?
- Experience: Cannbio Agro S.A.S. is a Uruguay based company with large
previous experience in the production of Cannabis when compared with its
competition. It has been working in the sector for more than 5 years and
today it is one of the most important export companies in Uruguay. - Sustainability: Our partners carry out the growth of Cannabis in a sustainable
way. Quality is guaranteed by the use of spring water and a minimum
amount of chemicals . This ensures both high quality and sustainability. - Good agricultural practices: This company develops its production
under strict quality norms and controls. The care, and safety they put into
their work has achieved certification on Good Agricultural Practices by LSQA LTD.* - Human quality: CryptoCampo believes that the key to success in any
project is determined by the human quality of the team. This is one of the
main reasons why we chose Cannbio Agro S.A.S. Their staff of about 50
people show high commitment to their production and pride in belonging to
this company. - Results: The high quality of the company’s production has led to its global
recognition because it achieved one of the best products in the cannabis industry. It has had increasingly outstanding results. This is a fundamental issue when exporting its products since this is a “specialty” that links its export price directly with its quality.
It is no surprise that Cannbio Agro S.A.S. commercializes its products at the
highest price in the market.
*A company specialized in the analysis of agricultural practices and certification of companies that comply with the strictest technical requirements. Their site can be accessed at: https://lsqa.com.uy
Quantity of hectares available for production
i. / An open field of 75 hectares in Rocha, Uruguay.
At present, only 6 or 7 hectares are sowed due to the fact that this crop requires dedicated and skilled workforce since work is entirely manual throughout its complete cycle.
With the aim of obtaining the best flowers and avoid neglecting the crops, hectares are being sowed gradually.
ii / Green House growth:
The company owns green houses along 12,000 m2 all located in Rocha, where 10,000 plants are grown with three harvest cycles per year.
Note that the company is in charge of all the production cycle of cannabis:
soil treatment, germination and growth. The process also includes harvesting, treatment of the harvest and post harvesting as well as commercialization.
Tons produced in 2021
In Uruguay November and December are hot months ideal for sowing the seeds. This year, 6 hectares were sown in open fields which yielded 5,500kg of hemp flowers. In green houses, on the other hand, 10,000 plants were harvested in three cycles with a yield of 5,000 kg.
With a minimum of U$S250, users can purchase one NFT , which will enable them to participate in the coming agricultural campaign within a term of 12 months.
The total amount of NFTs available in this first campaign is 1,420 units. Users will be able to purchase 1,410 out of the total. What will happen to the other 10? We have decided to raffle them off among our holders and community of friends!
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to purchase an NFT. We have provided a video on the web with step by step instructions. In addition, while the minting process takes place, we will provide a technical support team available to all our users should any doubts arise.
nft protection system
At CryptoCampo our users are the most important thing and that is why we decided to take care of them by designing a NFT PROTECTION SYSTEM.
How does it work? We developed a unique Smart Contract in the ecosystem, where we prevent our users’ NFTs from being stolen, as that, once minted, cannot be transferred to another wallet.
In this way, we protect you from any attack you may suffer and you will be calm and sure that your NFT is taken care of until the moment you you can
claim it.
no native tokens
We intend to protect our users from the volatility of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, CRYPTOCAMPO has decided not to use native tokens but carry out all of our platform operations on BUSD, a stablecoin created and supported by Binance approved and regulated by the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS).
For this first campaign, we have estimated a total amount of U$S 355,000. The platform will not accept any more dollars. Why is this so? Because with that amount we can carry out a controlled and neat campaign and pay great attention
to any detail required.
How can I take part in the company?
monto de la campaña 1.0
Development of Production
During the first 12 months of the agricultural campaign, we will be working
with CANNBIO AGRO S.A.S. The crop will take 7 hectares of open field and
10,000 m2 green house in three cycles.
The beginning of the campaign will be in November- December 2022 and
production will be destined to obtain CBD from hemp flowers.
Sowing is carried out in open fields owned by CANNBIO AGRO S.A.S which
is enrolled in the Registro Único de Operadores del Ministerio de Ganadería,
Agricultura y Pesca de Uruguay. (Registered at the Ministry of Livestock,
Agriculture and Fishing).
Crops and post- harvest processing plant are located in Rocha, República
Oriental del Uruguay, where climate and security conditions are ideal for the
sustainable production of medicinal cannabis (CBD hemp).
There are advantages in this location such as natural sunlight and quality soil
as well as spring water for irrigation systems. These conditions are suitable
to enhance the quality of the product.
One of the reasons why we chose this type of crop is that it has low carbon
footprint. Natural environmental conditions are used to fuel growth since
sowing is carried out under natural sunlight, so the high intensity of artificial
lighting is not required. Compared with cannabis grown indoors, plants
cultivated under natural sunlight require less improvement of the soil, fewer
fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides. In addition, this type of growth allows
for natural ventilation and circulation of air due to the fact that no fan is
We maintain a strict commitment to the ecosystem and, together with
CANNBIO AGRO, we have implemented a good agricultural practice policy
recognized by LSQA LTD through their Certification of Good Agricultural
The use of technology also helps guarantee high international quality standards
throughout the process of production and commercialization. This
ensures a unique product in the market.
In order to supplement open field cultivation, we count on the use of green houses also located in Rocha, Uruguay.
To obtain a better final product, natural sunlight all year round and a skilled team of workers to control environmental factors constitute assets . This type of production is not seasonal so harvesting can happen all year round.
Our experienced workforce is in charge of carefully monitoring and adjusting all factors that affect indoor crops such as lighting, air flow, soil and nutrients contributing to the correct maturing of plants. This is an ideal environment for the development of CBD hemp indoors.
Genetics of seeds to use:
The genetics of seeds changes from one year to the other. In 2021 different kinds were sown:
- FedTonic
- Superwoman
type of irrigation
The system of irrigation used by CANNBIO AGRO is computerized: each flowerbed has a double drip system so each plant receives water, fertilizers and organic nutrients through its root. Whatever nourishment the plant receives through the root is channelled by this drip while leafing is done by hand.
drying systems
Post–harvesting drying is carried out in CANNBIO AGRO Industrial Processing Plant, located in La Paloma. Why is this so important? Because drying is one of the most essential parts of the process of production and there are very few drying plants in Uruguay. Most producers need to wait their turn for drying, which endangers production. CANNBIO AGRO avoids this problem by owning a drying plant that can be used at any time of the year without affecting the final product. Hanging plants are dried in cold chambers during 6 to 7 days. Boxes are
avoided because these would harm the product.
Machines used in post-harvest plant treatment

Dry Trimming
MTDry 800 is a trimmer designed to dry-process Cannabis flowers.

MASTER BUCKER MB BUCKER 500, a debudder for big production.

Green Trimming
MASTER TRIMMER MT STANDARD 50 & 75 for flowers.

This machine classifies Cannabis flowers by size and last generation hemp. It has been designed to integrate the flow of post-harvest automatized flow of work or it can be used individually.
- Have an efficient and effective model of cannabis business growth and distribution.
- High- quality medicinal cannabis products manufactured to satisfy growing demand of export markets.
- Progressive opening of new cannabis markets and businesses.
- Sustainable production protecting the environment.
- Multiple guaranteed harvests during the campaign term.
- Reduction of risks and maximum efficiency.
What happens while we carry out production?
You will live an incredible user experience.
CRYPTOCAMPO thinks that users are not mere investors but protagonists of the campaign. The following tools will be available to users:
- Updated market information
- State and evolution reports of each campaign
- Images and localization of each campaign
In this way, all our users will have real time access to the campaign they take part in regardless of the place in the world they are at.
User Experience
What happens when the campaign is over?
Once the campaign finishes, we will inform users on the result of the commercialization of the total amount of tons produced. This will be accompanied with reports to ensure total transparency.
Each of the users will be able to obtain the corresponding earnings according to the amount of NFTs they own. How? By clicking the option “Claim” in the platform. Initial capital and returns will be immediately obtained as well as an exclusive POAP , a reminder of experiencing Campaign 1.0.
What does CRYPTOCAMPO charge?
To show our commitment, we have decided to share results with you.
This means CRYPYOCAMPO does not charge any commission for your purchase of NFT. We pledge ourselves to achieve the best possible campaign so that we can both get high returns. We believe in our work and commitment to the user.
The final return will be divided into equal parts between the users and CRYPTOCAMPO platform.
CRYPTOCAMPO cannot ensure determined returns since that will depend on numerous factors that are impossible to predict (in particular Cannabis CBD market prices at the moment of commercialization), but we can assure that we will make every effort to obtain the highest returns possible.
Considering the historic returns provided by the export of CBD hemp flowers in the last operations of CANNABIO AGRO, we have defined three possible scenarios:

- You can carry out all operations from our time-saving platform without unnecessary costs.
- With a minimum initial amount you can be part of an agricultural campaign.
- We are partners of a first rate legally constituted global company with a permit to produce medicinal cannabis and a Good Agricultural Practices Certificate from LSQA LTD.
- Together we will produce high- quality
hemp CBD flowers to export. - Cannabis has an exponential growth in
markets such as food, beverages, textiles
and pharmaceuticals. - You will be part of a unique community,
have exclusive access to CryptoCampo
events and merchandising raffles.
Platform Technology
To carry out the development of SmartContract platform, we used the libraries of Open Zeppelin to make each token:
Protocol ERC 721
Protocol ERC 721 numerable
Reentrancy Guard
CryptoCampo platform was developed over the BNB Chain network. (A development of Binance Smart Chain).
We use the potential and security of blockchain technology, which guarantees transparency and reliability in all actions.
Wallets compatible with BNB Chain:
Any wallet for Ethereum that has the possibility of modifying its configuration to accept other networks will be compatible with BNB Chain. To pay tariffs when buying NFT, it will be necessary to have a certain amount of cryptocurrency BNB in your wallet (around U$S 10 in BNB, which may be useful for about 20 to 25 transactions).
If you are using decentralized applications such as Metamask, this will not be configured by default for BNB Chain but it can be easily solved.
This blockchain also has its official wallet: Binance Wallet. It works very much like Metamask as a browser extension. The difference is that its initial configuration supports BNB Chain.